Common diseases & risk factors

How Avi Medical helps you

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a permanent disease of the lungs. There are different treatments depending on the severity of the COPD. Which one can best help you with your COPD disease is best defined by our Avi Medical doctors with some tests.
Smoking is the main risk factor for COPD. Therefore, it is most important to stop smoking completely. Here too, our Avi Medical doctors can give you good support.

Throughout your COPD treatment, our doctors are your constant companion and always there for you.

What is COPD?

COPD is the abbreviation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smoking is the main risk factor for the development of this inflammatory lung disease. Other risks include occupational dust inhalation (e.g. in mining), general air pollution, frequent respiratory infections in childhood and certain rare childhood respiratory diseases.
To better understand how COPD affects the respiratory system, it is important to understand "normal" breathing: The lungs are built like an upside-down tree with the trachea as the trunk. From there, the air travels via two large main branches and many small branches, the bronchi, to the "leaves", the so-called alveoli. From there, the oxygen travels into the blood. This exchange only works in the alveoli. That is why it is so important that the air we breathe can flow unhindered to the alveoli.
COPD affects the lower airways because the bronchial tubes are constantly constricted. The alveoli are partially destroyed and overinflated like small balloons. This overinflation cannot be reversed.

What are possible symptoms?

In the beginning, the disease is often gradual. You may only complain of daily coughing, sometimes with sputum. The shortness of breath is sometimes only noticed during physical work. Only in the late stages of the disease can the feeling of breathlessness occur even at rest, e.g. during sleep.

Many patients have had these complaints for years, but do not take them seriously or suppress them. There is a risk that the disease remains undiagnosed, is not treated and continues to progress.
At Avi Medical, we want to prevent this and counteract it at the very first symptoms.

Treatment of COPD at Avi Medical

To diagnose COPD, we perform a lung function test to accurately measure your current lung and respiratory volume. Simply put, we measure how much maximum volume of air, in one second, can be exhaled (FEV1). The greater the constriction, the lower the volume exhaled.
Treatment for COPD involves medication and non-drug treatments that complement each other. The treatment that is needed depends on how severe your COPD disease is.
The most important thing is to avoid harmful substances, through smoking or dust. This prevents further progression of COPD and reduces the risk of acute exacerbations.
Our doctors will be happy to discuss the medication options for COPD therapy with you in our consultation hours. There is the possibility of administering bronchodilators, which are defined as the basic medication for COPD. Bronchodilators dilate the airways (bronchi) and are usually administered as a spray. Cortisone preparations may also be given. They are usually used to prevent acute exacerbations (COPD attacks).
In severe cases, your Avi Medical doctor will discuss long-term oxygen therapy with you.

With the right inhalation therapy, our goal is to relieve the distressing symptoms such as cough, sputum and shortness of breath and to improve your quality of life.

In addition, it is important that you take care of your health. Physical exercise, a balanced diet and learning breathing techniques are just a few ways to manage your COPD.
No matter what therapy suits you and your COPD best, our Avi Medical doctors are always on hand to help.

Regular measurement and monitoring of your COPD is a preventive measure to detect long-term changes. For this reason, it is important that you come to one of our Avi Medical practices for regular checks. This is the only way we can work together to manage your COPD and help you live a carefree, healthy life.