Vaccinations, travel medicine & PrEP

Indication vaccination for chronic diseases

Indication vaccination for chronic diseases

When is indication vaccination useful for chronic diseases?

Vaccinations are particularly important for patients with chronic diseases, for example, long-lasting diseases that cannot be completely cured. These include cancer, diseases of the respiratory organs, the cardiovascular system, the liver or kidneys, chronic intestinal inflammations, nervous diseases, metabolic diseases such as diabetes or inflammatory rheumatic diseases.

For it is precisely within these groups of people that the risk of severe courses or complications of diseases that can be prevented by vaccinations increases. According to the Standing Commission on Vaccination (STIKO), all standard vaccinations should be carried out according to the vaccination calendar. However, there are other diseases against which you should be particularly protected.

What should I do?

Want to know more about which vaccinations are important due to your chronic pre-existing condition(s)? Then simply make an appointment for a vaccination status check at one of our Avi Medical practices and discuss with our medical team. The team will advise you in detail whether you are sufficiently protected or whether you should receive a vaccination.