Vaccinations, travel medicine & PrEP

PrEP at Avi Medical: Your comprehensive protection against HIV

We are now offering a PrEP consultation at our Avi Medical Lichtenberg GP practice in Berlin.

PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a preventive measure that provides effective protection for people at increased risk of HIV infection. 

This treatment is provided by qualified doctors who are licensed to prescribe PrEP. To be able to offer PrEP, doctors must complete specific training and meet certain requirements, which means that not all practices can offer this service yet.

Our experienced medical team in Lichtenberg will accompany you as a new patient through every step of the process - from the initial consultation to ongoing aftercare. 

What is PrEP?

PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis and is a preventive treatment method in which HIV-negative people regularly take a medication to minimize the risk of HIV infection. This medication works by preventing infection should the virus enter the body. Important: PrEP protects against HIV, but not against other sexually transmitted diseases. 

Who can benefit from PrEP?

PrEP is particularly recommended for people who have an increased risk of HIV infection. This includes people with HIV-positive partners, people with changing sexual contacts and other groups who are medically assessed as having an increased risk. If this risk is present, the costs are covered by statutory health insurance. 

PrEP consultation at Avi Medical Lichtenberg

Our PrEP consultation includes three important types of appointments to ensure that you receive comprehensive information and care:

PrEP consultation appointment: 

A detailed discussion to determine whether PrEP is suitable for you.

PrEP initiation date: 

Before starting PrEP, we carry out a comprehensive examination of your health. In addition to a basic examination, this also includes HIV and STD tests, as well as clarification of hepatitis B and C and a check of your kidney function. 

PrEP check-up appointment:

These appointments include regular medical examinations, including HIV tests and regular checks on kidney function. As part of routine PrEP follow-up, we also carry out regular tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to ensure that any infections can be detected and treated at an early stage. 

Access to PrEP and cost coverage

Since 2019, statutory health insurance companies in Germany have covered the costs of PrEP for people with an increased risk of HIV. If we determine during your consultation that such a risk exists, we can prescribe the treatment for you. 

Your next step

Book a consultation appointment now at Avi Medical Lichtenberg in Berlin. We will be happy to discuss all further details with you personally.