
Home care regulation

What are the requirements for a home care order?

Under certain conditions, you are entitled to home health care from the statutory health insurance. As a rule, your health insurance is the cost bearer; in the case of an occupational accident/traffic accident or occupational disease, the accident insurance is responsible. In individual cases, the health assistance of the social welfare agency will cover the costs.

Home nursing can be prescribed for you if:
- hospital treatment is avoided (hospital avoidance care),
- hospital treatment is shortened (hospital shortening care),
- a serious illness or an acute aggravation of the illness is present, e.g. after hospitalisation or outpatient surgery (supportive care)

- it is necessary to secure the medical treatment objective, e.g. in the form of wound care or injections (safeguarding care) and no person living in the household can care for and provide for you as a patient to the extent required.

A home care order is issued to you if you receive medical care at home and need additional nursing care from a qualified nurse.  

Where can I get a home care order?

If you need a care prescription, you can get it at one of our Avi Medical practices. Simply make an appointment to discuss the details with our medical staff. A first prescription is possible for a maximum of 14 days, the follow-up prescription can also be issued for a longer period.