Common diseases & risk factors

How Avi Medical helps you with cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular diseases include a large number of diseases that affect the heart or blood vessels. These include strokes, arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, cardiac arrhythmias and congenital heart defects.
In our Avi Medical GP practices, a competent team of general practitioners and internists is at your side to provide the best possible treatment for your cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular diseases are still the most common cause of death in Germany. Therefore, in addition to detection and treatment, prevention is particularly important.

We can find out which heart or vascular diseases are bothering you during an initial consultation at one of our Avi Medical GP practices. To do this, we will discuss your risk profile, your complaints and the course of your disease. With the help of necessary examinations (blood values, ECG, (heart) ultrasound, stress ECG, long-term ECG) we can give you an exact diagnosis and the appropriate therapy.

What is arteriosclerosis?

Among the cardiovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) is a so-called widespread disease, as it occurs particularly frequently. With increasing age, almost everyone is affected by a pathological narrowing of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis is a disease of the arteries in the body.
Arteries transport blood away from the heart, veins bring it back. The smallest vessels (capillaries) between veins and arteries ensure that the exchange of substances between blood and tissue takes place. The central pump is our heart.
Problems arise when deposits build up on the inner walls of the vessels, restricting the flow of blood. This is often called hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis). These deposits are called plaques. If the plaques even tear, blood platelets accumulate and lead to a blood clot at this point. The result is an acute vascular occlusion.
Atherosclerosis occurs to a greater or lesser degree in everyone and can start in young adults. The course of the vascular change is accelerated by certain risk factors. These include family history, lipometabolic disorder (hypercholesterolaemia), high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, nicotine and lack of exercise.

What are the possible consequences of arteriosclerosis?

The symptoms that develop depend on which arteries in the body are affected by the vascular disease.
Atherosclerosis is particularly responsible for the following heart and vascular diseases:

  • Coronaryartery disease or coronary heart disease (CHD)
  • Disease of the blood vessels of the brain
  • Disease of the blood vessels of the extremities (=peripheral arterial occlusive disease, pAVK)

In coronary heart disease (CHD), deposits form on the inner walls of the coronary vessels. If one or more coronary vessels become blocked, the heart is no longer supplied with sufficient oxygen. The result can be an undersupply of oxygen to individual areas of the heart muscle or, in the worst case, a heart attack (acute coronary syndrome) with death of individual areas in the heart. Shortness of breath, increased pulse as well as a feeling of pressure and tightness in the chest, nausea and abdominal pain can be symptoms of acute coronary syndrome.
Vessels that supply the brain can also be affected by plaque deposits. Unlike the heart, there are no real early warning signs here. In the worst case, the result is a stroke. So here, too, we attach the greatest importance to prevention!
Peripheral arterial occlusive disease ( pAVD ), also known as shop window disease, is also a secondary disease of atherosclerosis and manifests itself with circulatory disorders in the legs. The reduced blood flow leads to discomfort when walking, which means that those affected often have to stop: hence the name "window shopper's disease". In the presence of shop window disease, it is very likely that other vessels in the body are also "calcified" and that further constrictions are present. In this case, an examination of the vessels supplying the heart and brain is highly recommended.

What does heart failure mean?

Heart failure, also called cardiac insufficiency, is a serious disease of the heart. The heart is no longer able to supply the body with sufficient blood and therefore also with vital oxygen. This leads to typical symptoms such as shortness of breath during exertion or also severely swollen legs.
The first symptoms of cardiac insufficiency are often unspecific: performance decreases, which can become apparent when doing sports, climbing stairs or walking, for example. Those affected are exhausted more quickly, feel short of breath and have to take frequent breaks. In the course of time, the veins become congested. As a result, water collects in the tissue and oedema forms. This appears as swelling, especially in the feet and ankles. The water retention causes weight gain, often within a short time.
Causes of this are, for example, many years of High blood pressure or coronary heart disease, where deposits of cholesterol and other fats narrow the coronary arteries. But heart muscle inflammation or many years of alcohol abuse can also lead to heart failure.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases at Avi Medical

If you notice symptoms in the context of cardiovascular diseases, please do not hesitate and quickly arrange a consultation in one of our Avi Medical practices or by video. Only in this way can we make an initial diagnosis and, through further tests, also find a suitable therapy for you.

But prevention is also very important to prevent and alleviate cardiovascular diseases. A lot of exercise and a balanced, healthy diet are the basis. A heart-healthy diet contains little fat, but plenty of fruit, vegetables and wholemeal products.
Smoking and heavy alcohol consumption should also be avoided.
If you have any questions about the change in diet, our doctors are always there to help you.