Common diseases & risk factors

How Avi Medical helps you with high blood pressure

High blood pressure causes no pain and often no other symptoms for a long time. That is why the high pressure is often not noticed by those affected, or only very late. Late detection carries serious risks, because permanent high blood pressure has a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels.
It is therefore very important that high blood pressure is detected early by one of our Avi Medical GPs and thus treated in the best possible way. This is the only way to improve and increase your life expectancy and quality of life.

Throughout your hypertension treatment, our doctors are your constant companions and always there for you.

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is a cardiovascular disease. Blood pressure is caused by the activity of the heart. With every heartbeat, blood is pumped out of the heart into the blood vessels. In the long run, high blood pressure causes damage to the blood vessels, which can lead to secondary diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. It is estimated that more than 50% of the European population is affected.

At what point is it high blood pressure?

Blood pressure indicates the pressure at which the blood is pumped from the heart through the body to the smallest capillary vessels. This pumping process occurs when the heart contracts. At maximum contraction of the heart, the highest value of blood pressure is reached. This (upper) value is called the systolic blood pressure. After this, the heart relaxes and stops pumping blood into the arteries. As a result, the blood pressure drops back to the lowest value. This (lower) value is called diastolic blood pressure.
The unit of measurement for blood pressure is measured in mmHg (millimetres of mercury). Therefore, two values are always given when measuring blood pressure. For example: 120/80 mmHg.

120 mmHg = systolic blood pressure = upper value

80 mmHg = diastolic blood pressure = lower value

The optimum value for a healthy blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg - in other words: 120 to 80.
Fluctuations during the course of the day are natural and serve the body's adaptation to the respective situation. Acute stress or exertion cause blood pressure to shoot up, while relaxation or sleep lower it again.

In healthy people, the blood pressure values always settle back into the normal range. Only when the blood pressure remains constantly high when measured continuously is it called high blood pressure. This is the case with values from 140/90 mmHg.

What are the triggers of high blood pressure?

The causes of high blood pressure are subject to several interactions between genes, environment and lifestyle. The more risks come together, the higher the probability of developing high blood pressure.
A distinction is made between two types of high blood pressure in terms of how they develop: primary and secondary hypertension.

Primary hypertension is the most common form of high blood pressure and is called essential hypertension. About 90% of hypertension patients suffer from this form. Essential hypertension occurs without a causally detectable underlying disease. Favourable factors for high blood pressure are: increased age (men from 55+ and women from 65+), lack of exercise, overweight, family history, smoking, high alcohol consumption or menopause.

Secondary hypertension occurs due to another disease. About 10% of hypertension patients are affected by secondary hypertension. Causing diseases can be: metabolic diseases, kidney diseases, thyroid dysfunction, vascular diseases, hormonal imbalance or due to medication.

What are possible symptoms?

The signs of high blood pressure are difficult to clearly assign, because the disease often runs for a long time and goes undetected. However, the following symptoms are more common: Headaches, dizziness, severe palpitations, nervousness, shortness of breath on exertion and sleep disturbance. Often, however, no symptoms are noticed.

Diagnosis of high blood pressure at Avi Medical

To check if you have high blood pressure and need blood pressure treatment, it is important to first arrange a consultation at one of our Avi Medical GP practices.

The first step in the examination is a detailed record of your medical history, current medication and any symptoms. After this detailed discussion with your Avi Medical doctor and on the basis of these findings, your blood pressure is measured in the practice. Sometimes your blood pressure fluctuates, so it makes sense to take a long-term blood pressure measurement (LZ-RR). This is the best way to determine the actual blood pressure and has the advantage that it also takes into account the nocturnal blood pressure values. You can take the long-term blood pressure device home with you for a few days - your Avi Medical doctor will then receive the values directly from the device and discuss them with you afterwards.
Depending on your medical history, the next step is to have laboratory tests carried out in one of our Avi Medical practices to determine the risks and consequences of high blood pressure. For example, kidney function values, minerals such as sodium, potassium and calcium, cholesterol, blood sugar, thyroid values and, if necessary, hormones of the adrenal cortex will be examined.
If necessary, we can determine with an ECG and stress ECG whether your heart rhythm is abnormally changed at rest or under stress.

Treatment of high blood pressure at Avi Medical

Based on the results of your examinations, our doctors will then discuss your individual therapy with you.
In order to treat high blood pressure symptoms properly, the level of blood pressure and the individual risk of secondary diseases - heart attack, stroke - are decisive.
Thus, it is not only high blood pressure itself that needs to be treated, but above all the risk factors that cause high blood pressure, e.g. high blood lipid levels. Therefore, it is important that you are also ready for self-therapy. This means changing to a healthy diet, getting enough exercise and giving up smoking and alcohol.
Based on the results of your examinations, medication can be the optimal support for self-therapy and thus reduce blood pressure.
Sometimes it is enough to administer a single medication, but often a combination of several blood pressure-lowering drugs is necessary. The following groups of active agents are recommended by the German Hypertension League as drugs of first choice.

  • Diuretic drugs, such as diuretics, have a dehydrating effect. Water and common salt are excreted via the kidneys, which results in less renin (hormone from the kidneys that increases blood pressure) being released. The fluid reduction thus lowers the blood pressure. Beta-blockers inhibit the action of stress hormones, such as adrenaline, which increase blood pressure and pulse rate. Beta blockers prevent this by blocking the beta receptors. This relieves the heart and makes it beat a little more calmly.
  • ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers inhibit a hormone that has a vasoconstrictor effect. In this way, they have an indirect vasodilatory effect and relieve the heart. ACE inhibitors block the protein ACE, which promotes the conversion of angiotensin l to angiotensin ll, which in turn causes the vessels to constrict and blood pressure to rise. By blocking ACE, the increased stress in the blood vessels decreases and blood pressure falls. The conversion of angiotensin l to angiotensin ll is blocked and with it the breakdown of the peptide hormone bradykinin. The result is a dry, irritating cough. Angiotensin receptor blockers are a more advanced stage of ACE inhibitors. They do not block the protein, but the receptors to which the protein would dock. The vasoconstrictive and thus blood pressure-increasing effect of angiotensin II is thus reduced. Bradykinin is broken down unhindered and thus dry irritating cough occurs significantly less than when taking ACE inhibitors.
  • Calcium antagonists lower the tension in the vessel walls. An increased calcium content in the muscle cells causes contraction. This causes a constriction of the vessels and causes higher blood pressure. Calcium antagonists make the muscles in the vessels slacken, which lowers the blood pressure and the heart has to work less strenuously. They also reduce the heart's need for oxygen.

Your Avi Medical doctor will determine and discuss with you which drug class best suits your treatment.

Regular measurement and monitoring of blood pressure is a preventive measure to detect long-term changes. For this reason, it is important that you come to one of our Avi Medical practices for regular checks. Only then can we together get your high blood pressure under control and enable you to live a carefree, healthy life.