Corona (COVID-19)

Vaccination against Corona/Covid-19

Book your Corona vaccination now

We don't have a waiting list anymore! Simply book your Corona vaccination online.
Which vaccine will I receive?
Based on an order from the Ministry of Health, GP practices will be supplied with Moderna vaccines as a priority from now on. Depending on availability, we use Moderna or BioNTech. Both are very safe mRNA vaccines with a high efficacy. Unfortunately, we cannot give you any information in advance about which preparation you will be vaccinated with. Under 30s, pregnant women and patients with an appointment for a second vaccination, for whom a BioNTech vaccination is recommended, receive BioNTech.
When can I make a vaccination follow-up appointment?
You will receive the appointment for the second vaccination immediately after your first vaccination. The interval between vaccinations is currently only 3 to 6 weeks. A booster vaccination is possible 3 months after the second vaccination.
Where will I be vaccinated?
You will be vaccinated by our doctors at one of our Avi Medical practices in Munich. When booking, choose which practice you would prefer to come to.
Who will be vaccinated?
We only vaccinate adults and adolescents over the age of 12. We do not offer vaccinations for children.
Due to the high workload, your calls cannot be accepted at all times at the moment. Therefore, please book your appointment via our online booking form or your app.
Book appointment

Who should get vaccinated against Covid-19 in the fall of 2023? 

Effective immediately, we are offering the COVID-19 vaccine from BioNTech/Pfizer (monovalent mRNA vaccine) adapted to the Omikron variant XBB.1.5 in all our practices.

Stiko recommends booster vaccination for the following groups: 

  • Basic immunity with 3 antigen contacts is recommended for persons 18 years of age and older.
  • For risk groups, a further booster is recommended annually. Interval: 12 months from the last antigen contact (vaccination or infection). Risk groups: >60 years, residents in care facilities, patients with certain pre-existing conditions

Parallel vaccinations are possible with vaccination against influenza and pneumococcus.
Healthy infants and children under 18 years of age are currently not recommended for COVID-19 vaccination.

Why should I get vaccinated against Covid-19?

Effective and safe vaccination can help limit the spread of Corona. Vaccination builds critical protection, population immunity, and thus greatly reduces the risk of severe COVID-19 disease.

How is vaccination carried out?

The injections are made exclusively into the upper arm muscle. A very fine injection needle is used for this. If you are taking blood-thinning medication, the injection site will be compressed for at least 2 minutes after the vaccination. Allergies will also be asked about during immunization education. If you have an allergy passport, please bring it with you to the vaccination.
You should - if possible - not receive any other vaccination 14 days before the start and after the end of the vaccination series. Emergency vaccinations are excluded from this.
After the vaccination, a follow-up period of at least 15 minutes is recommended.

Here you can find a lot more information from the STIKO.

How exactly do the individual Corona vaccines work?

This is how the mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna work.

The vaccines from BioNTech and Moderna belong to the newer mRNA vaccines that are genetically engineered. mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) is the "blueprint" for every single protein in the human body. mRNA vaccines against Corona contain the "blueprint" for only one part of the virus: the spike protein on the outer shell. This protein is not infectious, so it does not transmit the disease.

The mRNA contained in the vaccine breaks down your body in a few days, so it does not get into the human genome, the DNA. The muscle cells around the vaccination site multiply the spike protein. Your immune system recognises it as a foreign body, activates defence cells and produces antibodies and defence cells against the coronavirus spike protein. Should you become infected with the coronavirus, your body recognises the spike protein again and fights it.

What are the risks of vaccination?

Most commonly, the stimulation of your body's defences may cause redness or swelling at the injection site, which may also hurt.
Your body may also react with general reactions such as fatigue, headache, muscle and joint pain or chills/fever. However, these symptoms will subside a few days after the vaccination. We will be happy to advise you in one of our Avi Medical practices about possible vaccination reactions and side effects and how best to behave if they occur.

In advance, you can find more information about the side effects of the individual vaccines here:

STIKOinformation leaflet on COVID-19 vaccination with mRNA vaccine

Fact sheet for COVID-19 vaccination with vector vaccine