Vaccinations, travel medicine & PrEP

Indication vaccinations in immunodeficiency or immunosuppression

Indication vaccinations in immunodeficiency or immunosuppression

When is indication vaccination useful in immunodeficiency or immunosuppression?

Do you suffer from a congenital immunodeficiency or HIV, have an autoimmune disease or take medication that deliberately down-regulates your immune system? Then vaccinations are particularly important for you.

Certain vaccinations are even explicitly recommended for you, but live vaccinations are usually not allowed.
Did you know that it is also enormously important that your family or flatmates have full vaccination protection? Because that way they can help protect you.

In principle, inactivated vaccines are always possible, but it may happen that your body has some difficulty in building up a complete vaccine protection. In individual cases, live vaccines are also possible; especially before starting immunosuppressive therapy, this must be considered.  

What should I do next?

Want to find out more about whether vaccinations are possible or actually even super important despite your pre-existing conditions? Then simply make an appointment for a vaccination status check at one of our Avi Medical practices and discuss with our team of doctors. The team will advise you in detail whether you are sufficiently protected or whether you should receive a vaccination.