Primary care

Tiredness and fatigue

What is fatigue and tiredness and what are its consequences?

Every one of us knows the problem of fatigue. We understand it as a lack of attention, energy and drive. In itself, this condition is not pathological and often settles down again. However, if fatigue becomes noticeably frequent, lasts longer and negatively affects your everyday life, it makes sense to clarify the cause. Especially if your daytime tiredness leads to limited concentration, poor performance and even an increased risk of accidents (e.g. in traffic), a clarification is absolutely necessary.

What are the possible causes of tiredness and fatigue?

Behind constant fatigue can be many things. Ultimately, of course, simply a sleep deficit can be responsible for it. But also a lack of rest in everyday life, too little exercise, poor nutrition, too little fluid intake and emotional stress can lead to a certain permanent fatigue. It is not uncommon for overwork or underwork at work to be the trigger. Since fatigue can also be a companion of some internal diseases, it is important to get to the bottom of the matter!

What should I do if I suffer from tiredness and fatigue?

If you suffer from persistent tiredness and fatigue, it makes sense to see a doctor. By means of a detailed discussion, a physical examination and any necessary laboratory tests, we will try to clarify the cause with you and find a suitable solution.